Stats for the month:
Total bankroll:
$4,190.70 - Probably my last bankroll update as I plan to cash out most of the profit I make from here onwards. $4k, seems a good amount to keep in to play the $50-100 level.
This month has obviously been pretty sweet. I've had bigger months than this before, but that was back in my degenerate days with no bankroll management / responsibilities. I used to play up to $3-$6 6-max cash games on a $2000 bank roll. Big pimpin :P
Due to some horrible periods of sickness, I actually don't feel like I've played my best poker at all times. I've had a really dodgy stomach for about the last 2 weeks, which has even meant taking a couple of days off from my full time job also.
Anyways, the stats/graph speak for themselves. I have ran pretty good.
Things I am happy with this month:
My volume. If it wasn't for the sickness, I think I could have hit 400 games in a shorter month which included a foosball tournament.
My ability to 2 table with less mistakes for longer periods of time. I can't see myself 3 tabling anytime soon (nor wanting to).
Forcing myself to feel comfortable at the $50 level. It's easier when you are running well, but I definitely feel more comfortable at this level now.
Poker goals for next month:
Play 425 games – That will be my biggest month volume wise. It will also be more of a challenge given that action is definitely slower at the $50 level.
Play a minimum 5% of those games at the $78 level – Although I certainly don't feel ready to take on the $78+ level, I have a good enough bankroll for them. No harm in taking a few shots and evaluating from there.
DO NOT CHECK ANY STATS OTHER THAN GAMES PLAYED!! - This will be interesting. I want to go a whole month without checking my bankroll, sharkscope graph, total profit for the month, etc. I will edit my poker tracker to only display total games played, that way I have no way of accidentally seeing any of my stats. I am curious to see how much this will help me focus on my A game, and not worry about results. If I go on a downswing, then I will be able to check bankroll purely for good management reasons.
Keep studying – I will finish reading 'The Poker Mindset' (Boo, I failed my Feb goal), 'Let there be range', and continue to discuss interesting hands that come up with friends on skype / forums.
Interesting hand:
SB: 1,660.00
Hero (BB): 1,340.00
SB posts SB 10.00, Hero posts BB 20.00
Pre Flop: (30.00) Hero has As Jh
SB calls 10.00, Hero raises to 80.00, SB calls 60.00
Flop: (160.00, 2 players) Th Qd 6s
Hero bets 80.00, SB calls 80.00
Turn: (320.00, 2 players) Jd
Hero bets 220.00, SB calls 220.00
River: (760.00, 2 players) 5d
Hero checks, SB bets 1,280.00 and is all-in, Hero calls 960.00 and is all-in
SB shows Kh 6h (One Pair, Sixes)
Hero shows As Jh (One Pair, Jacks)
Hero wins 2,680.00
I really tanked into the time bank before making this call. He was a pretty weak player who had played top pairs fast on a couple of boards previously, so I just couldnt see him check calling two streets with QX. I was fairly happy I was ahead by the river, but didn't put him on much of a hand. For this reason, I think checking is best to induce bluffs from hands that can't win at showdown. Obv wasn't an easy call, but I think its profitable against this player in the long run.
Taking a break:
I'm gonna spend the next two days trying not to play any poker at all. I wanna fully recover from this illness as well as catch up on housework / other life duties. Hopefully I will be 100% and raring to go when March 1st gets here!!
Good luck to everyone for next month and beyond! Untill next time, peace!