In HUSNG's (Heads Up Sit'n'go), end game is crucial. Its certainly NOT a part of the game I am very comfortable with. End game relies on good knowledge of hand ranges and equity calculations. Again, I'm not hugely comfortable with this. That's not to say I'm awful, just not as rock solid as I'd like to be.
For the rest of the month I am going to experiment with my 3 bet shoving ranges 25bb's and below. I find it very hard to force myself to shove 62 off suit at 20bbs vs an opponent who has min raised 90% of his buttons and has a fairly narrow calling range to a shove. Yet I find it easy to shove A2 off suit at 32bbs vs an opponent who has opened around 50% of his buttons and a slightly looser calling range to a shove. Guess which one is more profitable?
So as of today, I am going to experiment using the 3 bet shoving equity calculator (found at and trust the math. I'm going to try and shove wider in spots where there is merit to do so, and spew less in spots deeper than 25bb.
At the end of the month I'm going to review my end game stats and post a conclusion based on my (small) data sample.
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